Payment FAQ

Q: Can I pay online using my checking account?

A: Yes! Just choose 'eCheck' at checkout and fill out the necessary information. Your order will ship once the check has cleared (usually 1-3 days). Established customers may qualify for immediate shipping.

Q: Do you take credit cards?

A: Yes! we accept credit cards over the phone. Please check out completely through the website using the 'Pay By Phone' option and then give us a call at 415-233-6879 between 12-5 PM, Pacific time (3-8 Eastern). Alternatively, you can leave a note in the comments section with your phone number and a good time to reach you.

Q: How about Cryptocurrencies?

A: Yep, we can accept a number of them. Please email us for an address.

Q: Can I send a check?

A: Yes! Personal checks or money orders can be sent to:

Matt Packard

PO Box 1763, Grass Valley, CA, 95945

Please include your order number with your check.

For any questions or issues with payment, please contact us at


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